

OUWB alumnus from Class of 2016 makes his mark at Michigan Medicine


伍迪·萨姆斯,m.s.D.她在2016年毕业典礼上被选为班级演讲嘉宾. (图片来源:Rick Smith)


Woody Sams and family were all -- well, mostly all -- smiles on Match Day in 2016. (图片来源:Rick Smith)


萨姆斯(左)和同事乔丹·格雷在辛辛那提特警的呼叫中. The EMS fellows provided tactical EMS medical direction and direct care as needed for the CPD SWAT team. (提交的图)


日历图标10月. 7, 2022

铅笔的图标作者:Andrew Dietderich


伍德罗·萨姆斯,M.D., 他说回顾过去,清晰地看到自己的人生历程是很容易的, but fully acknowledges how that clarity can get murky in the moment and at especially trying times.

这就是为什么山姆, ’16, OUWB, says he is fortunate to have had help through those murkier times along the way.

包括, 他说, help from those at OUWB who “took me under their wing and guided me to where I am today.”

确切地说,他现在在安娜堡, 作为密歇根医学院的急诊医师.

“没有商学院的人……没有我的导师, 朋友和感情,我就不会在这里了,他说. “I’m just so thankful that they set me on this trajectory that I had never anticipated for myself.”


山姆在一个小的, rural town in northeast Ohio — the kind of place where it takes an ambulance 30 minutes to arrive, 或者人们开着拖拉机去上班.

高中毕业后打算参军, Sams says he “slacked off in high school” and it showed in his grades (though he performed well on standardized tests).

当他离开美国时.S. 海军, he returned to northeast Ohio where he worked as a corrections officer at a local prison at night. 一位同事告诉他,他应该加入志愿消防部门, 因为他可以在白天接听电话. 这是他第一次接触与医学有关的情况.

“我当时想,‘天哪,这太棒了. 我喜欢它,’”他说.

His enthusiasm for the position centered largely on the fact that he would help people, 其中许多人是他认识的,或者是他社区的成员.

“You could take this chaos and make it into something that wasn’t chaos and help people,他说.

He was sent to EMT basic school and became even more enthusiastic about the field.


Sams worked as a paramedic for several years in places like Nome, Alaska, and El Centro, 加州. He also attended San Diego Christian College in 加州, where he completed his undergrad degree.



在这张照片中, Sams is transporting a patient as a flight paramedic with REACH Air Medical in El Centro, 加州. (提交的图)


Sams met the woman who would become his wife, Molly, while working in Alaska.

By the time he had completed his undergraduate work in 加州, the two had married.

萨姆斯说,他一直很喜欢做护理人员, and that his wife encouraged him to take that enjoyment to the next level and become a doctor.

他开始申请中西部地区的医学院, 这样他和莫莉就能更接近双方的家人了.

他发现自己被代顿大学录取了, Ohio’s Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine the very same morning he was interviewing at OUWB.

“I was really relaxed for interviews at OUWB because I was like ‘I’ve already got an acceptance letter, 我在,’”他说. “(Being accepted at Wright State) helped me do better for my OUWB interview.”

最终, 他被OUWB录取并决定就读, in part because it was so close to his wife’s family in Farmington Hills.

“但我也真的很喜欢在那里采访的人, 博蒙特有着丰富的历史,他说.

萨姆斯说,他也喜欢这是一所较新的学校. 他上的是OUWB的第二堂课.

“他们说他们将变得灵活和敏捷, and that they were going to change stuff on the fly and that I would be part of it…I would be part of this legacy of building something from the ground up,他说. “我觉得这真的很酷.”


Sams says there wasn’t exactly one moment when he realized he had made the right choice. 相反,这是一种随着时间的推移而浮出水面的整体感觉.

“You saw that people were really there to help you succeed,他说. “在学校和医院之间, 有成百上千的人可以教你, 让你了解最新情况, 一路抚育你.”

“Everybody talks about how difficult and overwhelming medical school is, 但只有到那里你才会知道,他说. “But having all of these people there to help me, I knew I was in the right place.”

山姆的导师是密歇根州的莱恩·福林格.D., 研究生医学教育副院长, OUWB, and director of Graduate Medical Education for Beaumont Health – Royal Oak, 特洛伊, 和格罗斯波因特. 萨姆斯还与罗伯特·斯沃尔(Robert Swor)密切合作.O.他是急诊医学系的教授.

“People like that were very kind, very welcoming, and pointed me in the right direction,他说.

他最美好的回忆之一是与M . Angela Nuzzarello.D.她当时是负责学生事务的副院长.

“I was a non-traditional student and hadn’t been in school for a long time and she really went out of her way to help me figure out what I could change and what needed to be addressed so I could get back on track,他说. 最终我做到了. 如果没有她,谁知道会发生什么?”

He would match at University of Michigan on what he calls “the most stressful day of my life.”

当毕业典礼来临的时候,萨姆斯说这是超现实的. 他被选为班级发言人.

“I was definitely well-prepared for residency and stood out among my peers and I think that speaks to OUWB and the preparation they gave me,他说.


Sams and his wife now have four children and that means that “every day is just kind of chaos and fun,他说. They love spending time with each other — walking, camping, and traveling.

在密歇根医学院实习了四年之后, Sams did a one-year EMS fellowship at University of Cincinnati Academic Health Center.

In 2021, he was accepted into an aerospace medicine fellowship at Mayo Clinic.

The two-year program aims to develop experienced clinicians into leaders in the clinical and research domains of aerospace medicine. 每年只接受一名研究员.  同时,他申请加入美国国家航空航天局 CHAPEA火星 并进入了12强赛. 不幸的是, 2022年初, he had to leave the Mayo program and withdraw from the CHAPEA selection process and return home due to a family medical emergency.

In March, he began in his current role 作为密歇根医学院的急诊医师. 除此之外, he is part of the Survival Flight team and working on tactical EMS with the Huron Valley Ambulance.

不管他人生的下一阶段是什么, 萨姆斯说,他也总是注意自己的出身, 包括OUWB.

“There are really no words or no amount of thank you’s that I could give to OUWB that would be sufficient,他说.
